Friday, April 17, 2020

Five on Friday: My favorite Covid19 Self-Isolating Pasttimes

For those of us not homeschooling, working 40+ hours from home, working 40+ hours in public, etc., this has been a very wild time of trying to fill hours that used to be filled with volunteering, lunches, church activities, etc. 
So, here are my five favorite self-isolating pasttimes...

1. Walking
I am really enjoying my morning walk with Ellie. We usually just do about 25 minutes.

2. Coloring
I have always liked coloring, I just never do it.

3. Baking
I have found my favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe and banana bread recipe. And I finally figured out how to do the make my grandma's cookies!

4. Cleaning
I have finished my spring cleaning and am working through some extra projects that I just never deal cleaning out baskets and cleaning out cabinets.

5. Virtual Game Nights
We had been having regular game nights before all of this started and we have tried to continue as much as possible. 

What are your favorite things to do?

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