I love to host Thanksgiving. It is one of my favorite days of the year. It combines my love of cooking with my love of logistics and planning.
But, even I get a bit flustered during the "get the food on the table" rush.
So, I have some plans to address some of the craziest parts of my Thanksgiving dinner.
1. I'm going to utilize my slow cookers.
I have plans to use three slow cookers on Thanksgiving.
In one, I will be keeping my mashed potatoes warm...see yesterday's post for more information on that.
In the second one, I will be keeping my roasted veggies warm. I did that for a Christmas party last year.
In the third, I will be keeping my turkey warm. My husband will be smoking the turkey breasts earlier in the day and my plan is to have them done and sliced at 3:00 PM, 90 minutes before our 4:30 PM dinner.
2. I'm going to prep everything on Wednesday.
From casseroles to the deviled eggs, everything will be prepped by the time I go to bed on Wednesday night.
3. I'm going to be done with cleaning on Tuesday.
Other than sweeping, dishes and taking out the trash, I plan on getting everything done by the time I go to bed on Tuesday night.
And that is my plan.
Do you host Thanksgiving? What are your tips to get the food on the table with little or no chaos? Share below!