Thursday, October 18, 2018

Housewife Life: 68 Days to Christmas!!!!!

I know. I'm evil. Christmas is 68 days away and if the thought of that makes your anxiety creep up...YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

As a SAHW, it always falls to me to make Christmas happen. Gifts, decorations, festive events...none of it happens without me pulling the strings and staying caffeinated.

So what can we do now to make Christmas easier and more fun for us?

Follow along with me over the next 68 days and I will be here for you! Tuesdays are going to be dedicated to sharing a ta-da list from the week before and a to-do list for the coming right?!?

I know its already Thursday, which means I should have started you on this 2 days ago, but here is an easy Christmas To-Do to get started...addresses for Christmas cards and Christmas gifts. Start pulling them together or updating your list.

See you on Tuesday for more ways to get ahead of Christmas!

What is your LEAST favorite Christmas To-Do? Let me know in the comments below!

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