Monday, September 14, 2020

I will either find a way or make one - Lifeplanner - Goals - September 14-20, 2020


I'm feeling very...I don't know how to explain it...I need life to go back to normal. I want to see my friends and my family. I want to travel. I can't just sit along the sidelines and wait anymore. I don't want to ruffle feathers though, that is how I was be nice...and honestly, that is not serving me at this time.

My extended family seems to be on the "this pandemic is not real/not bad/over" side of the spectrum and while I know that certain areas are seeing some progress, others are a big mess. Including the community my family lives in. Its so hard to see people going about their lives as if there is nothing going on and I am so thankful that most of my family has so far escaped Covid, but I am angry they are part of the problem. 

I just want to tell them how much they suck and maybe it will cause change, it probably won't, but I really am tired of being isolated, in my house, 5 hours away from them, with a 3 month old that has never seen other people.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life. Sebastian brings me so much joy, but I am really tired of not being able to share that joy.

Ok. That's enough of that.

Planner Spread

Goals for the Week

* Build Desk when it Arrives
* Measure and Plan Harvey's New Table
* Finish 3 books
* Install Curtains in the Office and Sebastian's Room
* Decide on and buy Sebastian's Halloween Costume

How are you doing? I really want to know.

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