Monday, May 21, 2018

Some Days You Just Need to Recharge - Motivational Monday

When this year started, I was gung-ho about making the most out of 2018. I was going to get my act together and figure out this housewife thing, improve myself and improve my relationships.

After my grandmother passed away in mid-February, I knew I needed to be gentle with myself, but that I also needed to keep up with at least the things I had in progress. I told myself I would give myself the season of Lent to keep the status quo, but that when I returned from our Easter trip, it would be full steam ahead again.

I kept to that. When we returned from our trip to Las Vegas, I had a renewed sense of energy and dove in to my spring cleaning. I had lists and I was going to cross everything off of those lists. To up the ante even further, after I finished most of the spring cleaning, I started my 100 Days to Destin journey.

Last week, I had a hard day. I was plagued by insecurity and frustration. I was overwhelmed with all of the balls I was juggling and it all hit me at once.

The next day, I let myself off the hook a bit. I still walked, did my morning routine. I cleaned the kitchen, but I couldn't get the energy up to mop or clean out the refrigerator, so I just didn't. I gave myself the grace I needed to just take a minute to recharge.

That night, we tried a new restaurant and went to a movie and it was just what I needed. A low pressure, low stress evening with my husband.

The following day I made myself get back to it and now I feel just as energized as I did when I got back from Las Vegas.

Those two days following my hard day two messages came through. On Thursday, Sam at Happily a Housewife talked about mom burnout and that sometimes just doing something fun with your family is enough to get back on track. On Friday, my meditation app drove that point further home for me. I'm in the middle of the Basics course of meditation on the Headspace app and the message for Day 5 was that some days, you need to take your foot off the gas so you can refocus the next day. (Lots of paraphrasing there). Hearing those messages made me feel less alone. I realized having a hard day and needing to recharge was not a sign of weakness or failure, it just made me human.

How do you recharge? Are you good at recharging before it becomes critical, or are you like me and push yourself too far? Let me know in the comments below.

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