Friday, July 12, 2019

Five on Friday: Summer Traditions

I don't love being outside. I am uncomfortable with all the bugs and the humidity and the've seen me. I'm pale.

But I do like to do some stuff in the summer!

Here are 5 of our summer traditions...

1. Gardening.
My husband is the gardener...but I do love that we have a garden.

2. Grilling
Again, my husband is the griller...but he is an amazing cook, so I love to send him outside to prepare our dinner.

3. Sitting outside with an adult beverage
There is nothing better than sitting outside on a nice summer evening with an adult beverage...this summer I'm obsessed with the Smirnoff Ice canned drinks.

4. Sonic
We find ourselves at Sonic so much more in the summer...slushes, lemonades and ice cream...its the perfect time to swing by Sonic

5. Big Brother
What...did you think I was going to say hiking? Big Brother is a big summer tradition for us...mostly because there is nothing much else to watch on TV.

What are your summer traditions?

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