Monday, July 22, 2019

It's a New Week!

Well, last week did not go as planned, but I'm giving myself some grace. I spent a lot of time cuddling Ellie, cleaning up her messes (she has a UTI) and relaxing. Actually, I was glancing at my tending list and it wasn't as bad of a week as it felt, but if I had just stepped it up a tiny bit...

Grace. Right. Grace. Ok, it's a new week.

Planner Spread of the Week

This Week's Goals

1. Work on Ellie's new trick
2. Travel Tips with Jennie September posts
3. Catch up on ironing*
4. Purge the living room
5. Schedule outings with Kathy and Linda*
6. Facebook posts August 5-11*
7. Plan Sanibel Island
8. Design Stickers

As usual, the starred items are the non-negotiable goals, but I really want to get the others done too! It is totally possible this week too. There is not a ton going on except the bathroom remodel and a lunch that I forgot to add to my planner.

Motivational Quote of the Week

I have a feeling this will probably be the quote of the week for the next few weeks...

This week, things seem pretty calm, but when things seem pretty calm, those are the weeks that usually end in chaos. And next week, we find out if and when my mother-in-law needs surgery that will require her to recuperate at our house.


So, I wrote this post this morning and then took a nap because I couldn't sleep through the night and ended up awake at 3 AM and napping from 6:30-7:15. Since then, I have finished my ironing, most of the laundry and scheduled my outing with Kathy.

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