Monday, July 2, 2018

Motivational Monday: Creating a Morning Routine You Love

I struggled for 2 years to create a morning routine that motivated me and made me feel good. In the past six months, I have cultivated a routine that has been great for my mental state. 

1. I spend time with my husband while he is getting ready for the day.
This usually means I stay in bed after our super early 5 AM alarm and just chat when he is getting dressed. Recently, I have added feeding Lexi into this part of my morning. Since she now requires two medications twice a day, it is easiest to catch her when she wakes up with our alarm.

2. I eat a really good breakfast.
I love breakfast and always have. Scrambled eggs are my favorite and last fall, I started adding hashbrowns with onions and peppers to my breakfast. I usually eat some fruit too, or a save it for a snack later in the morning.

3. I take some personal time.
After breakfast, I do four things that don't take too long to do, but I love doing them. 

I journal. I have been keeping a one-sentence a day journal and a gratitude journal for the past 6 months and I really love it. 

I pray. I use my Every Day with Mary devotional and spend about 5 minutes reading the scripture and reflection and praying.

I enrich my mind. I struggle with foreign languages, but I really want to learn one, so I use the Duolingo app to study German.

I meditate. This is a newer one, but right now, I am using the Simple Habit app to meditate for about 5 minutes every day.

4. I walk or go to water aerobics.
I am on Day 47 of my 100 days to Destin trek and I love walking. I feel better and more energized through the day if I get the walking done. 

5. I get ready for the day.
I take a shower, do my makeup, hair and get dressed. 

6. I do a Tidy20.
A YouTuber created the Tidy20 and I love it. I take 20 minutes and just tidy the house.

And then I'm done and it is usually about 9:30

Do you take time for yourself in the morning? What is your favorite self-indulgent habit?


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