Friday, April 5, 2019

Five on Friday: Content I'm Loving

I haven't been watching much lately because I got Everybody Loves Raymond on DVD for Christmas and it's just been on loop.

But there are a few things I've been watching, reading and listening to.

1. Plan with Laken on YouTube

She is one of the planner community YouTubers, but she is big into goal setting, which I am also trying to strengthen this year, so I have really been enjoying her videos and Instagram.

2. @nainaplanning on Instagram

Laken from Plan with Laken introduced me to Naina and I love her!

3. Rush by Lisa Patton

A few months ago, our book club was invited to hear Patton speak about her new book. We read her trilogy a few years ago and loved it, so after hearing how much of the book was accurate...we had to read it. Apparently, there really are parents who spend $20,000 to decorate a dorm room...a DORM ROOM.

4. Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin

You all know I love Gretchen. Yep, in my head we are on a first name basis. So, I had to order her newest book and it is full of tidbits and wisdom about how to achieve Outer Order which leads to Inner Calm.

5. Forever35 Podcast

I don't always listen to the interviews they do, but I love the part where they just chat with each other!

And that's it for this week!

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