Thursday, April 11, 2019

Housewife Life: Girls Weekend

Last weekend, I met with a friend and we hunkered down in a hotel to rest and chat. We had delicious food and lots of alcohol. We spent time in the hot tub. We went outside for less than one minute when we considered dipping in the outdoor, heated pool. We did foot masks, face masks and hair masks. We giggled. We slept. We caught up. We talked about things. We just had the best time.

One of Six Tequila Sunrises we each drank this weekend.
Our weekend was so rejuvenating, we decided to make it an annual tradition.

I think its so important for women to take the time to step back and take care of themselves. We so often wear ourselves down taking care of others and we forget that if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't be our best self for the people we love.

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