Wednesday, April 10, 2019

In the Kitchen with Jennie: Salmon Quiche Recipe Review

During Lent, we are always looking for new ways to eat seafood on Fridays. Since we don't eat a lot of fried foods anymore, we get stuck in a baked fish rut a lot. A friend mentioned that her girls loved salmon quiche, so I looked up this recipe from Frugal Mom, eh! and tried out her recipe.

I struggle a lot with quiche. I can never get it to set up, so I am always a little nervous about trying one.

This was the first quiche I have tried that set up exactly within the specified baking time! The only problem is that I don't love canned salmon, so I did not love the quiche.

Quiche before I cooked it.
I have since tried it with shredded chicken and it was delicious!

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