Monday, June 4, 2018

Keep Cheerful - Motivational Monday

Being a homemaker can sometimes be so difficult! Working alone in the home can be draining. It can wear you down and make you feel lonely and alone. As a stay at home wife, it was difficult to find other women to spend time with and I fell into a huge rut. I was grumpy, negative, distant and "dismal".

As I have started to really find my tribe, it has been easier to "keep cheerful" as Louisa May Alcott's famous character, Marmee, said in Little Women. I started to go out more and see other women who were doing the stay at home grind. I also began watching YouTube moms/wives. Having a window into their lives and how they handle the housework has made me feel less alone.

When you, as a stay at home wife, can stay cheerful, your household feels lighter. Daily chores feel less like a burden and cheerfully doing housework actually makes it more fun.

Here are some strategies I use to keep my mood light...

1. I listen to podcasts and audiobooks I enjoy while I do my work. I have a small bluetooth speaker that I drag around the house with me while I do my work.

2. I have television shows I enjoy that I can watch while I fold laundry and iron.

3. I invested in some cleaners and cleaning tools that I enjoy. I have been exploring the Mrs. Meyers and Method brand cleaners in my kitchen, living room and bathrooms. I got some new toilet bowl brushes and a new mop.

4. When I feel unmotivated, I play games. No, not board games. I set a timer for 20 minutes and do a "Tidy 20", which was started on YouTube. Another strategy I use is the "Power Hour," which is great for doing things I have been procrastinating on doing. I also watch a YouTube "Clean with Me" video and it kind of feels like I have a buddy while I'm working.

What do you do to keep your mood light? Have you found a tribe?

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