Thursday, August 9, 2018

Housewife Life: I busted my knee


Do you ever have so much going on that you know you need to slow down but don't and then God or Fate or whatever higher power you believe in steps in and makes you to slow your roll?

That happened Tuesday night. I was taking a bath because I needed some quiet time, but I wasn't just getting quiet time. I was checking things off my list.

Take a bath...check!

Face mask...check!

Soak feet...check!

Then, getting out of the tub, I fell in a way that should have majorly injured me, but my guardian angel was apparently doing overtime and kept me from hitting my head, breaking a bone or tearing a ligament.

I'm just bruised. However, as I was falling I heard a pop in my knee and then when I woke up at 2:42 AM and was so incredibly uncomfortable that I couldn't fall asleep, I woke Chris up to take me to the emergency room.

After a quick exam and set of X-Rays, the doctor told me it was just bruised and to rest, elevate it, ice it and take some ibuprofen to reduce swelling.

So what does that mean? I need to slow it down. I rested all day yesterday and I have rested 50% of the time so far today. And I hate it! I have so much I need to do and so much I want to do, but I have a vacation coming up and I don't want to jeopardize the vacation in any way.

Bathroom update:
They demoed the bathroom yesterday and the plumber is coming today to do some of the plumbing things that need to happen before they can move forward.

Life update:
I am heading to my hometown early tomorrow morning because my parent's neighbor passed away. Julie has been my parents neighbor since we moved into that house right after I was born. She was my "stand-in" grandma for grandparents day when I was young. She has always been a fixture in my hometown world and she will be greatly missed.

Then, Saturday, we are going to visit Chris's uncle who has been going through cancer treatments for almost a year. We are going to spend the day with them and come back to Nashville that evening.

Vacation is imminent. Which means I have a bunch of stuff to accomplish. I like a clean house and an empty hamper before we leave, but some of that will have to be compromised due to the knee injury and the bathroom renovation. I'm learning to live with that.

Have a good week everyone! Stay tuned for a weekly menu tomorrow. Share what is going on in your life below!

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