Friday, January 4, 2019

2018 Word of the Year: Flourish

I think the best way to describe 2018 is bittersweet.

I had a fantastic year, but some not so fantastic things happened.

Let's cover the not so fantastic first...

In February, my grandmother had a stroke and passed away. I was able to make it to her bedside and spend most of the last 24 hours of her life with her. After the funeral, I was able to spend several extra days at her house with my mom helping the family clean out her cabinets, closets and dressers.

In June, my 18 year old cat went blind very suddenly. After a rush to the vet, we found out she had developed chronic kidney failure since her last yearly check up and it had caused her blood pressure to spike. On July 6, we made the decision to say goodbye to her. I was able to spend her last few days on the couch cuddling her.

We lost a few others through the year also.

On to the Fantastic...

For Easter, we traveled to Las Vegas to witness our friend's children be baptized, confirmed and receive their first communion at Holy Saturday services.

In June, I achieved one of my biggest become a travel agent.

In August, we remodeled a bathroom, spent a week in Destin, and spent a week in Las Vegas. Chris was in Las Vegas for a conference and I just tagged along so I could relax poolside and visit our friends.

In September, I took my mother-in-law to visit her sisters-in-law in Akron, Ohio.

In October, we adopted Ellie, the cutest, cuddliest, smartest dog and I spent at week at my parent's house.

In November, we hosted Thanksgiving and in December, we hosted Christmas and New Year's Eve.

So, Did I Flourish?

I really think I did. I am in a happier, healthier state of mind and body. I accomplished a lot of things I wanted to accomplish. My house is in pretty decent shape. My cleaning routine is sustainable. I have maintained my weight loss and lost some more pounds. 

How did your year go? 

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