Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Word of the Year: FEARLESS

One of the things that holds me back is Fear.

Fear of failure. Fear of being judged. Fear of being seen as less than. Fear of being overwhelmed.

And after a year of working on making myself happier and more confident, I realized that even though I love my life, the extraordinary things I want to see and do are not going to just happen. I have to put myself out there, step out of my comfort zone and try things I never thought I would try.

And to do those things, I need to conquer the fears I have in my heart.

One of my favorite shows, Gilmore Girls, has an episode in season 2 where Lorelai almost lets her fear of failure derail her. She and her best friend Sookie are starting to get serious about their dream of opening an inn and Lorelai's confidence stumbles.

When Lorelai is apologizing to Sookie for some unkind things she head, they have an exchange that I need to remember...

"LORELAI: We're gonna give it our best shot.

SOOKIE: And if we go down after two years…

LORELAI: Oh, it'll be the most exciting two years of our lives!"

So, its time to face my fears and "give it my best shot". And if I fail, at least it will be an exciting year!

Cheers to 2019!!!

What is your word of the year???

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